2024 Entertaining Gala
ActionsWe invite you to join us for our free Entertaining Gala from December 12th to 14th, 2024.
Thursday, December 12th is Seniors & Santa for adults 55+. You will enjoy coffee, tea and festive Bakery goodies from 2pm to 4pm, sponsored by the Evergreen Co-op Pharmacy Department.
Friday, December 13th is our Food & Beverage samples from 4pm to 7pm, with live music from Kevin & Lexie. Every department will be featuring something delicious! We will be featuring Cake Sensations for $10.00 per cake and we will be donating $3.00 per cake to the Rocky Health Foundation.
Saturday, December 14th is the Kids Club Cookie Decorating event for kids 12 and under, Meet Santa & a face painter will be in the Food Store from 11-2pm. You will need to sign up your child before December 8th for the cookie decorating event. Please contact Natasha at 403-845-2841, ext 2222 to sign up!